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Planning international career prospects: Intercultural experience as a professional resource

Authors: Katja Petereit, Elke Spielmanns-Rome and Lucyna Darowska. Documentation of the workshop concept as a trainer manual with organisational and implementation instructions (Ebook April 2010)

This handbook for trainers and lecturers is intended as a practical guide for organising the workshop series "Planning international career prospects - intercultural experience as a professional resource" for foreign students and internationally experienced German students. It is based on the materials, results and experiences of the series of events of the same name held at Bielefeld University in 2009.

With the help of this handbook, employees of International Offices and Career Centres will be able to adapt and implement the workshop series for their university.

The series has a modular structure and is geared towards the individual requirements and needs of the respective group of participants. In Bielefeld, it was mainly students from the humanities and social sciences who took part in the workshops. The materials are tailored to these subject areas and include examples of current job advertisements. The material must be adapted and updated for each use to suit the respective group of participants. The attached presentations (see materials) can be used as a basic structure.